Lovely pastures, surrounded by views of the Blue Ridge Mountains

We are committed to preserving the open space and natural habitat of many wetland and woodland species living on this land.



Focus on environment, conservation, humane treatment

2015 Grand Winner Clean Water Farm Award – Potomac River Basin and The Land Trust of Virginia 2016 Steward of the Year Award. Also a Certified Human Producer recognized by the Humane Farm Animal Care Organization.

We promote conservation by protecting local streams from excess nutrient runoff and pollution from cattle waste. Just as the water is protected from the cattle, the cattle receive fresh, clean drinking water supplied by our well. To reduce our carbon footprint, we only sell locally. Also by employing effective pasture management practices and the use of native summer grasses we reduce the need for fertilizers, chemicals, and fossil fuels.

The animals are raised humanely and treated with kindness and personal attention. They are naturally curious creatures and spend many happy hours watching our activities as we work on the property.